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Recorded Macro


One option how to create a new macro is record what user is doing with keyboard and mouse (typing on clipboard, clicking with the mouse, etc.). The recorded macro can then reply it back any time later. The recorded macro is created automatically during the macro recording. It is possible to later manually edit and tweak the macro if needed.


Click "Record macro" button in the tool bar.

1.Follow instructions in macro recording wizard.

2.After recording is finished, edit macro content if needed.

3.Assign and configure one or multiple macro triggers.

4.Configure macro scope if needed.

5.Assign macro name and configure other macro properties.




Events to Record

In this first step, the user can select what events (mouse or keyboard or both) should be recorded:

Keyboard - if checked, all keyboard events (keystrokes) are recorded.

Mouse - if checked, all mouse clicks are recorded.

Record mouse movements - if checked, mouse movements are also recorded so that mouse cursor movements are smooth when playing macro back.  (Note: The size of macro recorded is much bigger.)

Mouse coordinates measures in:
 1. Absolute (screen) coordinates
 2. Coordinates relative to active window
 3. Coordinates relative to current mouse position

Record timing data - if checked, timing data is saved during macro recording.

Use "Default" button to select default settings. 


Save Macro

In this step, the user defines where to save the macro recorded in memory: 

Add new item to the currently selected group - new macro is added to the currently selected group.

Overwrite currently selected macro - currently selected macro is overwritten by the new one recorded.

Add new macro to this group - macro is added to the group selected using “Select” button.

Overwrite this macro - macro selected using “Select” button is overwritten by the recorded one.

Use "Default" button to select default settings. 

Track Windows

Track active window
For reliable macro playback it is necessary that the keystrokes and mouse clicks are played back in the correct window - the same window they were recorded in. If an active window is changed during macro recording (user switches from one program, for example Web browser, to other program, for example Excel) then this change can be captured in the macro and macro commands to activate proper window during macro playback will be added automatically to the macro. Windows tracking options are:

Activated windows are not tracked at all. Recorded macro will blindly playback keystrokes and mouse clicks in currently active window.

Generalized window
If the active window contains a file name (for example, "MyFile.txt - Notepad") then the file name is replaced by * (for example, "* - Notepad"). This causes that the recorded macro will properly run in all Notepad windows regardless the file open - the macro will run the same in "MyFile.txt - Notepad" window as well as in the "Other File.txt - Notepad" window (however, it will not run "My document.doc - Word" window).

Exact window
The active window is captured exactly as it is (for example, "MyFile.txt - Notepad"). This causes that the recorded macro will properly run in "MyFile.txt - Notepad" window while it will NOT run in "Other File.txt - Notepad" window.

Define what window is automatically activated when macro playback starts:

None - the macro playback will start in the currently active window. This option is used for macros that are intended to work in multiple different windows.

Define window - defined window is activated before macro playback starts. Use [...] to define the window.

Capture window - the window to activate is captured on the start of macro recording (the window where first keystroke or mouse click occurs).

Use "Default" button to use default settings. 


Ready to Start

Macro recording is started after user clicks “Record Now!” button.  There is option to postpone macro recording using “Shift” key.  If user holds “Shift” key down and clicks “Record Now!” button then the macro recording is started after “Shift” key is released.  This allows user to use mouse to activate (bring to front) appropriate window for macro recording.