Macro Command Syntax
There are commands without parameters and commands that can have parameters.
Commands Without Parameters
Macro commands without parameters have this syntax:
An example can be "<clpempty>" that clears clipboard content.
Note: Keyboard keys such as "Page Down" have also the same syntax (<pgdn>), however, if <cmds> command ("Macro execution: Ignore free text, execute ONLY COMMANDS") is in effect then the keys are not played back.
Commands With Parameters
Macro commands with parameters have this syntax:
<command_wit_parameters>("param1", param2, ...)
Command parameter can be:
1.Static text (constant)
3.Combination of a static text and variables. Variable used in a combination with static text must be enclosed in % chars (“a text %vVariable% text continues…). For example, to create a file with name based on the current date you can use this: <filecreate>(“c:\myfiles\%_vCurrDate_Year%-%_vCurrDate_MM%-%_vCurrDate_DD%.doc”,0). This will create c:\myfiles\2000-08-19.doc file.
Specific Parameters
There are commands that takes parameters that have specific syntax.
This type of parameter identifies an application window. Windows-specific commands such as <actwin> takes this type of parameter. HWND is a unique handle Windows internally uses to identify each window. The HWND can be retrieved by some commands (<wininfo>, <win_enumerate>) or is provided by some system variables (_vKeybdFocusWindow_HWND, _vActiveWindow_HWND, _vActiveWindowPrev_HWND). While some other window attributes like window title or window class are not unique (there can be other windows with the same title or class) the HWND is unique. |
Window Identifier Path (WIP) |
Window Identification Path (WIP) is a sequence of information that allows to uniquely identify Window. The WIP is used as a parameter for many windows commands such as <win_findimage>, <win_captureimage>, <winclose>, etc. The user does not has to enter the WIP manually when editing a window command in visual editor. The user rather put mouse cursor on the window he/she wants to use and the WIP is created automatically. The WIP contains a hierarchical structure (parent/child) of the windows. Each window is defined by window title, window class and X, Y position (X,Y position is used for window identification only if there are multiple windows with the same window title and window class). It is possible to use wildcards (* and ?) within a WIP. There are examples how "Notepad" window is activated: <actwin>("[A*.txt - Notepad|Notepad|#0|#0]",0,0,"no") <actwin>("[B*.txt - Notepad|Notepad|#0|#0]",0,0,"no") <actwin>("[*.txt - Notepad|Notepad|#0|#0]",0,0,"no") <actwin>("[Untitled - Notepad|Notepad|#0|#0]",0,0,"no") <actwin>("[*Notepad|Notepad|#0|#0]",0,0,"no") |
XmlDocumentHandle |
This is a unique number that identifies an open Xml file. It is obtained as a result of some Xml related commands. |
XmlElementHandle |
This is a unique number that identifies an Xml document element. It is obtained as a result of some Xml related commands. |
Workbook Identifier |
This is a unique number that identifies an open Excel workbook. It is obtained as a result of some Excel related commands. |